J. Jermayne is a graduate of DePaul University (Masters degree) and Bennett College, a private, all girls' HBCU (Bachelors degree).
Jermayne’s formal studies include Urban Education, English, Journalism/Mass Communications.
Creative and talented in academics, her education included many enriching experiences organized by her mother that began in an Oberlin College program, later an immersive studies trip to Europe ((Madrid, Barcelona, Toledo, Andalusia), and continued education in Oberlin until her matriculation at Bennett College.
Jermayne's undergraduate success allowed her several opportunities for advanced degrees at top universities including The University of Pennsylvania.
After graduating from DePaul Univeristy, Jermayne embarked on professional ventures in writing, media, public speaking/professional development, and education.
Please click any link above for further details on Jermayne's professional experience, or click here to contact her directly regarding corporate coaching or personality development.